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ThPA S.A. received the certification of compliance with the international standard ISO 45001:2018 for the management of Health & Safety after a thorough and demanding inspection carried out by the independent certification body Bureau Veritas.
The Port of Thessaloniki is the 1st Greek Port certified with the international recognized standard ISO 45001:2018. The new certification provides a comprehensive framework for preventive improvement of occupational health and safety and replaces the existing OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.
ThPA S.A., with the main objective of providing reliable, modern and competitive services also has the following internationally recognized certifications:

  • ISO 9001: 2015, for the quality of its provided services.
  • ISO 14001:2015, for the environmental management system that applies to all the functions of the Port.
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013, for the security of information management systems and the protection of digital data at the Container Terminal and the Conventional Cargo Terminal.